In a recent poll of 100 or so people living in London, the almost totality indicated that their favourite aspect of the French culture was the food… We would say that our contemporary cultural life and historical heritage are also quite decent, but to be honest, we cannot and will not deny that our famous crêpes, saucisson-fromage and other culinary wonders remain undefeated.
So think of the happiness and culinary satisfaction that could be brought if one decided to import our recipes of deliciousness across the Channel… Well ladies and gentlemen, drool no more !
French Guy Cooking has done just this, and more : he’s expanded our cuisine on a worldwide platform called the Internet.
The Full Panoply of YUM !
French Burgers, Sauce Hollandaise, Crepes and Salted Butter… All of these delights at the tip of your fingers and accessible on your own screens, at home, on the tube, at work (cheeky foodie ! ). French Guy Cooking’s adorable Youtube Channel will have you want more at each new video. We also like it because the dishes are easy to reproduce and make us feel like self-entitled chefs.
Bonus perks : French Guy Cooking is charmingly funny and scores a ten out of ten on our adorable French accent evaluation scale.